Adding an Exhibit Hall

Once the Exhibit Record is created, one or more halls must be added. Staff will then upload a .dwg file to or manually create booths for the hall created. In this way, an exhibit can have one or more halls, each with its own floor plan and associated booths.

To create a hall:

  1. Navigate to the Exhibit Record > Planning tab > Halls menu option.

  2. Click Add Hall to create a new exhibit hall. The Add Hall form will appear.

    1. VenueClosedBegin typing the venue name to search from existing venues saved in your system. The list of existing venues is accessible under the Events App > Setup.
      To create a new venue, click the Add icon next to the Venue field.

    2. Code and NameClosed The unique code and name for the hall.

    3. DescriptionClosedAn optional description for the hall.

    4. Under Reservation Settings:

      1. Max Number of ReservationsClosedThe maximum number of reservations an exhibitor can have at one time.

      2. Reservation Lock Period in DaysClosedThe number of days after making a reservation during which exhibitors can't make additional reservations.

      3. Max Reservation DurationClosedThe maximum length of time an exhibitor can choose to reserve a booth.

    5. Under Exhibitor Settings:

      1. Allow Exhibitors to Upload ImageClosedAllows exhibitors to upload an image for their purchased booth. If enabled, these images can be viewed by other customers viewing the booth detail page.

      2. Max Number of Document UploadsClosedSets the number of documents an exhibitor can upload to their booth.

      3. Max Number of Co-ExhibitorsClosedThe maximum number of co-exhibitors an exhibitor can assign to their booth.

      4. Max Number of Booth StaffClosedSets the maximum number of booth staff persons that can be set up in a booth.

    6. Click Save.

Note: Once hall setup is complete and booths are imported or manually created, booth prices must be set up. For instruction on setting up booth prices, see the the help topic: Setting up Booth Prices.